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Do you ever question your worth or wonder what on earth you’re here for? The everyday pressures and struggles women of all ages face and the feeling of not measuring up can be overwhelming.

You might be left wondering: Is this all there is? A constant striving for self-acceptance and human approval?

Allie Marie Smith has walked the familiar road of self-doubt and depression. Like a companion on the journey, she wants you to join her in discovering a better life—the life you’ve been made for.

God planned your days before you were born and He longs for you to discover the life He created you to live—here on earth and in eternity. This abundant life comes from knowing you are:

Made for relationship with God
Made to be loved
Made to know your true identity
Made to overcome
Made to live free
And so much more

Wonderfully Made is designed to be read in 30 short chapters that help you discover your true purpose and significance. Don’t believe the lie that you are defined by your struggles or that your worth comes from your achievements or looks. Your identity comes from God. No matter what the other voices might say, God declares that you are lovingly and wonderfully made and His eternal plan for you is good.

In Soft Cover & Audio Book

Wonderfully Made:
Discover the Identity, Love, and Worth You Were Created For

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“When you need a dose of truth, when you need to hit the reset button on life, when you need someone to hold a mirror up to you and show you what God sees, this is the book for you. Thank you, Allie, for teaching us what it means to be wonderfully made with honesty, vulnerability, wisdom, and sincere sisterhood”


“Our young women need leaders who love God, love grace and are passionate about the identities that are ours for the taking. As a mom, as a woman, as an author, and as a fan of this next generation—I’m so grateful for Allie Marie Smith and this book. We need it! Our girls need it! I highly recommend picking it up for a gal in your life.”


She is a woman who has discovered the life-altering truth of who she is to Christ and in Christ. I’m so glad she has written this book to help other young women discover the beauty of this reality as well.”

“Allie Marie Smith’s story is relatable, honest, messy, and filled with hope...

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“If you’ve ever struggled with insecurity or wished you could change parts of your story, Allie’s words are for you. She’s a wholehearted encourager, insightful guide, and an honest voice of hope to lead you into true confidence and more of God’s best for your life.”


“Wonderfully Made is a timeless and timely message that Allie has lived out so well in her own story and in community. This book is the beautiful fruit of her deep years of sowing and struggle, rooting and redemption.”

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