Do you feel like you’re flourishing or just surviving? God created us to live full, abundant lives of peace and joy. It’s hard to fight for these in our chaotic, noisy and dark world.
But there are practices we can do that revive our spirits. Here are five keys to a spiritually flourishing life.
Have Daily Quiet Time
Okay we all know we should do this, but it can be hard to prioritize in our busy lives. If this is a challenge, start small. Set aside even just five minutes to turn your devotion to God. If we can spend minutes or hours on social media, we can certainly spend time in God’s presence.
Pursue Your Passions
Make space for doing the things that make you come alive. Your passion does not have to be your day job. When we do things we love, our souls come alive. Try to find passions offline that involved the use of your hands such as jewelry making or gardening.
Take a Sabbath
How kind it is of God to tell us to take a day off! Resting is the most restorative thing we can do for our worn-out souls. A day of rest, called the Sabbath in the Bible, is not just an invitation; it is a divine commandment from God. Your phone should also have a sabbath! When we rest, we slow down, reduce stress, live in the present moment.
Practice Silence and Solitude
Solitude and silence are spiritual disciplines that revive our weary souls. They require hard work and sacrifice, but are sure to renew our spirits. Put your phone down. Turn off the TV. Drive in silence. Run away to quiet places.
Pull the Weeds in Your Life
Habits, addictions, unhealthy relationships, and sins can rob us of a flourishing life. Think of your life as a garden and identify the weeds keeping you from truly blooming. For each weed we pull, we make space for something more beautiful to replace it.
I hope that by practicing these rhythms, you will cultivate a more joyful and peaceful life.
God, I want to live a spiritually flourishing life. Help me make choices that will renew me and eliminate the noise and chaos around me. Restore my soul, revive my weary spirit and set me free as I seek you.