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How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is the persistent feeling of being inadequate, incompetent, or unworthy of success despite clear evidence of your skills and accomplishments. It can leave you feeling like a fraud, like you’re just one mistake away from being “found out.” 

Hi Friend,

Do you ever feel like a fake or a fraud in your own life? Do you find yourself continuously downplaying your gifts, doubting yourself, and refusing to accept compliments? These are the marks of “Imposter Syndrome.” According to Wikipedia, it is defined as:

a psychological experience of intellectual and professional fraudulence. One source defines it as “the subjective experience of perceived self-doubt in one’s abilities and accomplishments compared with others, despite evidence to suggest the contrary.”

Imposter syndrome is a persistent experience of feeling inadequate, incompetent, or unworthy of accomplishments even with clear evidence of your success. It can leave you feeling like a fraud in your own life, and like you’re just one mistake away from being “found out.” 

I’ve been battling imposter syndrome since I was a girl. I’ve continually downplayed my gifts and have often felt like I didn’t deserve my accomplishments or success.

When I signed with my literary agent in Nashville, WTA, I glanced at the well-known authors they represented and asked myself, “Who doesn’t belong here?” mentally raising my hand. Recently, I’ve wrestled with these thoughts after signing with Tyndale Refresh to publish my new book, which is one of the top Christian publishers. Despite these successes, I can still tend to attribute them to luck or chance and believe I really don’t deserve them and are unworthy.

We each experience imposter syndrome for different reasons. We can place unrealistic expectations on ourselves that we’ll never meet. Looking back, I wonder if I have downplayed my gifts because I didn’t want to stand out, draw attention to myself, or make others feel imitated by my strengths.

If you deal with imposter syndrome, reflect and ask yourself why you think it is. Knowing the roots of this stifling experience and having an awareness of your limiting beliefs will allow you to overcome them.

Here are five key ways to overcome imposter syndrome, rooted in your identity in Christ.

1. Know and Believe Who God Says You Are

The foundation of overcoming imposter syndrome is knowing the unshakable identity you have as a child of God. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Your successes or failures will never determine your value. Your identity is not found in what you do but in who you are as a child of God.

2. Fight the Lies with Scripture

Imposter syndrome thrives on lies: “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t deserve this,” “I’m really not that good.” God’s Word is our greatest weapon against these attacks. When you’re tempted to believe these lies, speak truth. I have found that saying these truths out loud is the most powerful. For example, Romans 8:37 reminds us, “In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” When your mind is filled with the truth of who God says we are, these lies and limiting beliefs lose power.

3. Embrace and Walk in Your God-Given Purpose

God has made you for this time in history with your unique gifts and talents. Catch those thoughts of self-doubt and believe He will equip you for every task He’s called you to. Philippians 1:6 encourages us that “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” God has a beautiful plan for your life, and He will provide the wisdom, strength, and guidance you need to fulfill your purpose. Let God be your confidence.

4. Stop Making it About You

We can rely too much on our own abilities and put pressure on ourselves to succeed and strive towards achievement to push away any insecurities. When we do this, we focus on ourselves and our abilities, rather than God’s power that is great within us which allows us to do amazing things. Say goodbye to perfectionism and stop relying on your own strength. We are not created to carry the weight of success on our shoulders. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” It’s in our weaknesses that God’s power shines. Trust in His strength to sustain you rather than your own.

5. Surround Yourself with Encouraging Family and Friends

Getting lost in our self-defeating thoughts can make imposter syndrome worse, because our minds can easily fill with doubts. Surround yourself with friends and family who encourage you, speak truth into your life, and remind you of your strengths. Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us of the importance of meeting together and building each other up in faith. An encouraging community who believes in you can be a powerful weapon against feelings of inadequacy.

You’re not an imposter! You are the real you and no one can live your life but you! Stop believing the lie that you’re not good enough or are an imposter in your own life. Your value comes from God alone, and He delights in you whether or not you achieve big things. Your value will never be found in what you do but in the simple fact that you are a dearly beloved child of God.




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